Tech Support Info - Fritz - CMMS

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Tech Support Info

Technical Support

Technical Support Details

Fritz CMMS offers electronic support via email. We endeavour to answer email support questions within 12 working hours of their receipt. Support email are reviewed every hour from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Eastern Australian Time. If you feel you have been waiting for a response longer than necessary or have an emergency that needs a resolution immediately, please use the mobile phone contact number provided in the "Contact Us" web page. If you are using an evaluation or trial versions of products we will also provide support for any of your questions.

Support Email
Please make sure that all support email
s are sent to [email protected]. We cannot guarantee a prompt response if an email is not sent to our technical support mail address.  All queries via email will be taken care of as soon as possible. If you are unsure if an email reached us, please be sure to send the message again and indicate that the message is being re-sent. This will help us prioritize your query, and ensure the quickest response time possible.

Required Support Information

When sending us a support question via email, please be sure to include the following information:

  • Operating system being used (Windows 7, 10, etc.)

  • Network type used (Windows, Novell, Stand-alone etc)

  • The Build Date of the Fritz version that you are using. This can be determined by selecting the Help|About option, which displays the "About Fritz" form.

If the
area of dificulty is in a specific form within Fritz, go to that form and press the [F4] button. Exact information about the form can then be obtained and forwarded to us. This helps us pinpoint specific issues.


Desktop Support
We can provide support direct to your PC.  To obtain the desktop support software, click on this button.
Once downloaded you can save the file to your desktop or other location and double click on it when you require assistance.

Send Us An Email
To contact us with a support question, fill in the following data fields and press the "Send" button.

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